Tactile Tuesday
Check in every Tuesday to find another tool and resource to get your little ones engaged! The tools and resources made available on this page shows you ways you can reuse items around your home or from our shop to create tactile experiences. Any activities can be slightly modified to the age of your child!
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! #tactiletuesday #upcyclecrc
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! #tactiletuesday #upcyclecrc
Fine Motor Pipe Cleaner Activity
Hello, Wonderful offers a great tutorial of how to set up this activity for toddlers!
All you need is a colander and pipe cleaners!
Fine Motor Pipe Cleaner Activity
Hello, Wonderful offers a great tutorial of how to set up this activity for toddlers!
All you need is a colander and pipe cleaners!
Toddler Busy Boards
Hands On As We Grow and Something Turquoise provide great directions on how to reuse items around your home to create this tactile experience for your little one! Each busy board can be modified to the items you have at home and to the age of your child. |
Tactile - Kinetic Sand
Eating Richly has a great recipe to create kinetic sand. This will provide a unique tactile experience for your little one. Their imagination can roam free with how they can work, build, and play with the kinetic sand! All you need is a little bit of sand, cornstarch, and oil! Grab a baking pan that has sides with a little height, cookie cutters, scoops, shells, and anything else that would be fun to play with in the sand! |
Recycled Sensory Bin
Busy Toddler has a great blog where you can find great ideas on what recyclable materials can be reused in a sensory bin for your toddler! |
Game Time!
Toddler Approved provides a great activity where all you need is a ball, tape, and some paper. You can make this game even more interesting by switching out the paper with reusable materials like pool noodles, cardboard, plastic Tupperware with the bottom cut out. The possibilities are endless with this activity and really easy to set up! |
Smush Paintings
Happy Toddler Club presents a great idea of painting with your toddler but with an easy, no hassle clean up. They present fun ideas what to do with the painting as well! All you need a paint, piece of paper, zip-lock bag, and your toddler's hands! This activity can help develop these skills and senses: sight, touch, cause-and-effect, and fine motor. |