Use UpCycle materials in your classroom to motivate students, teach content and to have FUN learning! The following lessons provide students with hands-on learning experiences that reinforce content standards and developmental goals, while promoting collaboration, teamwork, communication and creative problem solving. Most lessons can be used with or adapted for other grade levels. Lessons and student response portfolios are linked in Word so you can edit and adapt them as needed.
Properties of Materials Game and
UpCycled Mixed Media Portraits
Description: In this two part lesson, students first play a game to describe properties of reuse materials and then students make found object portrait collages.
Content Strands: Matter, Force, Motion and Energy; Earth Resources; Visual Communication and Production
Magnet Structures Design Brief
Description: Students build structures using magnets and objects that are magnetic.
Content Strand: Matter, Force, Motion and Energy
A Model Butterfly Design Brief
Description: Students show the life cycle of a butterfly using reuse materials.
Content Strand: Life Science
First Grade
Tinkering Toyshop Design Brief
Description: Students make toys that move in different ways.
Content Strand: Matter, Force, Motion and Energy
Portfolio for Tinkering Toyshop
Second Grade
Magnet Movement: Make a Toy or Game
Description: Students make a toy or game that uses a magnet to make motion.
Content Strand: Matter, Force, Motion and Energy
Portfolio for Magnet Movement
Third Grade
What's the Matter? Design Brief
Description: Students make a sculpture from materials that share a common property.
Content Strand: Matter, Force, Motion and Energy
Portfolio for What's the Matter?
Any Grade Level
Paper Structures Design Brief
Description: Students are challenged to make the tallest tower out of paper and tape.
Content Strands: Engineering Design Process; Ancient Greece and Rome
K-2 Portfolio for Paper Structures
3-5 Portfolio for Paper Structures
Properties of Materials Game and
UpCycled Mixed Media Portraits
Description: In this two part lesson, students first play a game to describe properties of reuse materials and then students make found object portrait collages.
Content Strands: Matter, Force, Motion and Energy; Earth Resources; Visual Communication and Production
Magnet Structures Design Brief
Description: Students build structures using magnets and objects that are magnetic.
Content Strand: Matter, Force, Motion and Energy
A Model Butterfly Design Brief
Description: Students show the life cycle of a butterfly using reuse materials.
Content Strand: Life Science
First Grade
Tinkering Toyshop Design Brief
Description: Students make toys that move in different ways.
Content Strand: Matter, Force, Motion and Energy
Portfolio for Tinkering Toyshop
Second Grade
Magnet Movement: Make a Toy or Game
Description: Students make a toy or game that uses a magnet to make motion.
Content Strand: Matter, Force, Motion and Energy
Portfolio for Magnet Movement
Third Grade
What's the Matter? Design Brief
Description: Students make a sculpture from materials that share a common property.
Content Strand: Matter, Force, Motion and Energy
Portfolio for What's the Matter?
Any Grade Level
Paper Structures Design Brief
Description: Students are challenged to make the tallest tower out of paper and tape.
Content Strands: Engineering Design Process; Ancient Greece and Rome
K-2 Portfolio for Paper Structures
3-5 Portfolio for Paper Structures