During this session, we are focusing on 3-D art and ways to build-up with our materials. In our first class session, we opened with the challenge of making paper stand up. We noticed that our friends tried many solutions to meet this challenge, making adjustments as they observed the successes of other friends. Below are some examples of how our paper was changed to make it stand up. Continuing with folding and manipulating paper, our friends have tried making many origami shapes. This activity requires skills and precision and it's amazing to see how the children persist in their small groups. Now our folded shapes are becoming integrated into mobiles. The mobile art integrates physics, as the children test different ways to balance their designs. Our other group is working on wire sculptures with the initial challenge of building up. As we have explored using wire and integrating other materials, our friends have begun to design people, animals and even a playground. Some of our friends have realized that their designs are gravity-challenged because they are too tall, heads are too heavy, or the sculpture base is too narrow. All of these are important generalizations the children have learned from tinkering and working together. There is a lot of process oriented work going on! Comments are closed.
July 2023