This week we are opening with clay, and it's interesting to see what skills the children bring with them to camp and what ideas and concepts develop during our time together. Right away, we saw children tackling the challenge of building up with clay, from creating animals to rolling up slabs and standing them on end. On Tuesday, we made collections of shapes (spheres, cubes, cones, coils, etc.) and found ways to connect the shapes as a group. We saw a castle, a person and a dog form from this collection. During our small group work, we have explored materials that will become incorporated into projects over the course of the week. We mixed our own paint and developed a customized color palette to use at the easels and in our mixed media collage work. We also explored the marks that found objects can make and made small and large compositions from these marks. We have also planned and begun constructing found object sculptures that incorporate a joke or idea that interest the children. After lunch each day, the studio is open for the free exploration. We have been working at the easels, in the message center and at the light table as well as exploring balls and tunnels. Comments are closed.
July 2023